Profitable, safe and sustainable operations
Sustainability is an integral part of Aker's operations, and an important aspect of Aker's active ownership. Aker's sustainability approach and policy considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts.
Click on the images below to access more information about each area.
Our approach to Sustainability
Aker ASA has a long tradition of being a responsible ownership company with an aim to contribute to the development of robust and sustainable companies. ESG risks and opportunities are an integrated part of Aker’s operations and are part of the decision-making basis for investment analysis and decisions.
Aker’s guidelines,
strategy, goals and sustainability reporting is approved by Aker’s Board of
Directors. The Code of Conduct and Sustainability Policy set long-term
expectations for the Aker companies regarding guidelines, strategy, goals and
Our sustainability
reporting and policies are available via Aker’s Sustainability Library.

UN Sustainability Goals
Sustainability is an integrated part of Aker’s operations and is included in governing documents. Aker has selected ten of the UN’s sustainability goals, where goals and strategies are defined, and progress is reported. The sustainability goals are further discussed in Aker’s sustainability report, which is available at the bottom of this page and through the sustainability library.
Aker has chosen several of UN Sustainability Development Goals as the most relevant to its business. Our main contributions are outlined in our sustainability report and illustrated here.
Aker sets expectations for Aker-owned companies within each of the selected goals. The goals encompass both climate and environment, social aspects, and corporate governance.
Our reporting
The sustainability report for 2023 aligns with the mandatory structure according to the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). In 2024, the content of the report will meet the CSRD requirements.
The table below shows a summary of our 2023 sustainability reporting. A detailed description, including the basis for preparation, reporting principles, and assessments, is available in the Annual Report for 2023.

Industrial investments and sustainability
Aker actively engage and work closely with Aker owned companies on relevant sustainability issues and reporting.
Aker expects the companies in its portfolio to:
- Have a board-approved sustainability policy and board oversight of ESG
- Have a code on conduct for business partners
- Integrate and manage ESG impacts, risks and opportunities related to corporate strategy, their business model and value chain
- Manage ESG impacts, risks, and opportunities and perform impact assessments, risk analysis, and due diligence covering the topics set out in Aker ASA’s Sustainability Policy and in relation to the relevant business activities and relationships
- Set sound ESG targets followed by necessary actions and resources to ensure progress towards target achievement
- Establish ESG reporting in line with regulatory requirements and/or at Aker ASA’s request
Scroll down for links to our portfolio companies for more information about sustainability in each company.