Aker BP: Low cost - low carbon

Aker BP is the largest privately owned oil and gas exploration and production company on the Norwegian continental shelf. Its focus is to operate with lowest possible costs and emission per produced barrel.

Measured by production, Aker BP is one of the largest independent, listed oil companies in Europe. Aker BP operates six field centers: Valhall, Ula, Ivar Aasen, Alvheim, Skarv, and Edvard Grieg. In addition, Aker BP is partner in the Johan Sverdrup field.

Oslo Børs
Share of Aker’s total assets (4Q24):
Geographic Market:
Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS)
Karl Johnny Hersvik
Oil and Gas
Øyvind Eriksen
Exploration and Production Company
Akerbp workers square edited

Aker’s ownership agenda

Aker’s ownership agenda is about continuing to develop Aker BP as a pure play oil and gas company on the Norwegian continental shelf. The focus is that Aker BP continues to operate with business model built on the lowest possible production costs, the lowest possible carbon emissions, and safe and efficient operations. The company shall have a strong focus on technological expertise, digitalization and industrial  collaboration. A key priority for the company going forward will be to create value by  delivering on its large portfolio of field development projects, on time, within budget and in a safe manner. Investments in these projects are estimated at more than USD 19 billion, with total resources estimated to be more than 750 million barrels of oil equivalents. Financially, it is important for Aker that Aker BP maintains an attractive and predictable dividend policy. In 2023, the company paid a total of USD 1.4 billion in dividends, up from USD 1.0 billion the year before.

Aker owns 21.2 percent of the company's shares. Øyvind Eriksen and Kjell Inge Røkke represent Aker on Aker BP’s Board of Directors.