Aker Horizons: Reducing emissions, creating values

Aker Horizons invests in and develops companies within green energy and green industry to accelerate the transition to net zero emissions. The company’s core areas comprise renewable energy, carbon capture and clean hydrogen.

Aker Horizons is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and headquartered in Fornebu, Norway.

Oslo Stock Exchange
Geographical market:
Lars P. Sørvaag Sperre
Renewable energy and decarbonisation
Øyvind Eriksen
Green technology
Share of Aker's total assets (4Q24):
Offshorewind square

Aker’s ownership agenda

Aker Horizons shall continue to be a driver for decarbonization and environmental improvements through its portfolio companies, as well as continuing its focus on systematic sustainability efforts. The ambition is to create a platform for long-term value creation, with Aker Horizons leveraging technologies, industrial expertise and industrial software in  Aker-owned companies as well as other strategic partners. Aker Horizons invests in renewable energy companies and companies which develop technology and industrial solutions that significantly reduce emissions or promote sustainable solutions.

Aker owns 67.25 of the shares in Aker Horizons. Øyvind Eriksen represents Aker on Aker Horizons’ Board of Directors.