Our industrial portfolio provides long-term value creation for shareholders and society

Industrial Holdings

Aker’s investments are divided into two reporting segments, Industrial Holdings and Financial Investments. Industrial Holdings comprise Aker’s long-term investments, the majority of which are listed on the stock exchange. The value of Aker’s industrial holdings totaled NOK 62.8 billion as of 30 June 2024, representing 84 percent of Aker’s gross asset value (GAV).

Industrial Holdings comprise the listed companies Aker BP, Aker Solutions, Aker BioMarine, Solstad Offshore and Aker Horizons (which is the majority owner in the listed company Aker Carbon Capture). The unlisted companies are Cognite, Aize, and Solstad Maritime.

Aker has significant ownership stakes in these companies and are typically the largest shareholder. This creates a solid base for engaged ownership, with long-term value creation as the guiding principle.

In cooperation with the portfolio companies’ boards and managements, Aker plays an active role in the development of the industrial portfolio. As an active shareholder in companies with attractive value- and dividend potential, Aker’s ownership agenda is to contribute to a positive return for all shareholders.



Financial investments

Aker’s investments are divided into two reporting segments, Industrial Holdings and Financial Investments. Financial Investments comprise Aker’s assets and investments that are not defined as industrial investments. The value of Aker’s financial investments totaled NOK 12.2 billion as of 30 June 2024, representing 16 percent of Aker’s gross asset value (GAV).

Financial Investments comprise other listed investments, cash holdings, real estate, active asset management, interest-bearing receivables, and other investments.

The listed companies are Akastor, AMSC, and Philly Shipyard. The portfolio includes active asset management through Industry Capital Partners (ICP), real estate investments through Aker Property Group, and several unlisted and early-phase investments.

Aker plays an active role in the development of the Financial Investments portfolio, with long-term value creation as the guiding principle.